
About me
Highlights and track record
Selected work
The world’s first Battery Passport Tracking cobalt from Congo to Tesla Improving waste recycling in Brazil Better luggage handling at airports
Driving product innovation to answer the needs of tomorrow
The combination of my design background, leadership skills, system thinking, and executional power positions me as a forward-thinking professional capable of driving product innovation to answer the needs of tomorrow.
My name is Wouter Middendorf and this is me. Obviously.
Through my work at Kryha and previous roles, I have specialised in architecting innovative solutions that simplify complex challenges within multi-stakeholder contexts. My work typically involves system thinking and design, seamlessly integrating software solutions with the tangible dynamics of the physical world.
Innovation expertise
Innovation strategy
Design driven innovation
Concept development
Design expertise
System design
Product design
Design direction
Leadership expertise
Chief Product
Product management
Team management
I like switching between zooming in and out. Making sure the solution solves the actual problem, while redefining how people use, understand, and experience the product in all its details. With a deep belief in the transformative power of technologies like blockchain and AI, I make sure to leverage those but keep things intuitive and user-friendly.

My experience from several leadership positions and the way I setup teams play a critical role in navigating the complexities of new projects and markets. My leadership extends to managing and inspiring people, fostering an environment where creativity and efficiency thrive. It's here, in leading multidisciplinary teams towards shared visions, that my capacity to envision and execute on innovative ideas is at its best.

Say hello via wmiddendorf @ gmail.com or connect on LinkedIn